Transforming Hierarchical Structures and Systems

What is Transformation?
Dr. E. Margaret Fulton
WWSF Board Member

True transformation involves a fundamental change in the way we think, act
and perceive all our environments and all of our relationships. Transformation
challenges past notions of the meaning of life and traditional value systems.
The worldview of Western Industrial Society has been mechanistic with
commitments to power over others and control of nature. A fundamental
shift from this materialistic orientation to a service orientation, and an ecological
world view with commitments to empowering others and to nurturing nature
will not come to pass unless all of our social organizations and political
institutions are visualized differently. Unchanged perception of traditional
models of hierarchical systems will not create a transition to a new sacred
worldview. New programs developed within old structures will not achieve
new or different goals. Traditional linear thinking will not change the standard
pyramidal paradigm. True transformation must begin by visualizing alternative
inter-active models of organic organizations. Old minds trapped with old
images of power cannot initiate a new vision. Only imaginative engagement
in the process of transformation will stimulate a new holistic worldview for
a millennium of peace, service and distributed leadership.


  1. Agree to commit to a fundamental change in organizational structures.
    Shift from exclusive, classified static systems to inclusive, organic movements.
  2. Understand the reasons for change and the purpose, goals, and vision to be
    achieved in the future. Let go of needless complexities and stagnant traditions to take hold of simplified living.
  3. Visualize new organic models of circles and cycles and agree to image and to
    work within these new patterns. Learn to image and to hold holistic inter-active patterns in the mind.
  4. Recognize that all energy comes from motion and commit to team leadership
    and a system of constant change. Participants must agree on a model that allows for flow, fluidity, flexibility, and inter-action as in organic life. Become alert to spontaneity, surprise, and the prompting of the spirit.
  5. Develop and put into practice modifiable evaluation systems. Like natural growth, system change is difficult to measure. Develop a changing criteria of overall effectiveness as opposed to striving for immututable objective efficiencies.
  6. Understand that as in nature, waste does not exist. Matter can neither be
    created or destroyed. All material is part of the totality of life in the spirit of
    regeneration, renewal, rebirth. Spirit moves from cradle to cradle
  7. Inter-active Learning

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